

Katrina Christiansen for US Senate and Trygve Hammer for US House will serve ND and not themsevles. An agriculture engineer, professor and mom, along with a former marine, school teacher, and railroad engineer. These are people who get big things moving!

Every dollar counts to help elect Democrats and protecting freedoms. ND Dem-NPL candidates are ready to serve and fight for the freedom that all Americans deserve.  

100% of Donations go to our Federal Coordinated Campaign to get these two elected!

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1. Donor is a United States Citizen or a Permanent Resident Alien.
2. This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization or national bank.
3. This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor.
4. The funds donated are not being provided to the donor by another person or entity for the purposes of making this contribution.